The New School Term

The new school term is here, and the prospect of returning to school full time seems a long way off, we have to face the reality that learning at home is likely to be for the long-term. How can we help our children and young people make the most of their learning, without it feeling like a battle?

I’m hearing that some students are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work being set – so firstly, we need to prioritise. Let’s face it, whether your children are in Year 1 or Year 10, some work will simply be more important. For all children, reading is key. Young people need to read for around 15 minutes per day for their reading to consistently improve1. For younger ones, you might consider reading, maths and literacy as most important and then with your child, you might choose a topic they particularly love. Children should be enjoying learning than just ticking everything off for the sake of it. For older children, open the conversation: Are there some subjects your children have been avoiding? Some they’ve been spending ages on? Which subjects do they think are the most important, and why? You may end up agreeing on some kind of rota, perhaps deciding to put the toughest subjects in the morning so the afternoons feel more like a treat – whatever works best for you.

Secondly, I suspect some schools will start to do things differently this term. The length of our closures is dawning on us teachers too, and we are trying to work out how we can keep track of what our students are doing, who may need more support, and how we’re going to manage going forward. I encourage you to listen to what your children’s schools are asking of you, but remember also that communication is key. If the demands are too much, if your internet isn’t coping, if someone in your family is unwell  – just email and let the school know; your feedback will be valued and listened to.


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