Small groups

A young woman reading

Our aim as a church is for people to commit to and become more like Jesus and we believe that small groups enable that aim to be achieved in ways which would be impossible by simply attending on a Sunday alone. For that reason, small groups are a vital element of our church life.

People of all ages and degrees of Christian maturity attend our small groups. By and large they meet in the homes of church members or friends, although one or two groups meet in the church. Wednesday evenings are particularly popular, but we have groups meeting on most days of the week.

No two groups are alike. We are sure we have one that you would feel at home in and that would play a part in your own spiritual development, whether you are a regular or attending CBC for a time, maybe as a student or in some other capacity.

Why small groups?

In a large church you can’t know everyone well. Small groups provide a place where you can get to know a small number of other Christians in some depth. They enable the development of the quality of relationships that our souls long for.

Bible Study

A small group is a great place to ask the questions that you cannot ask during a Sunday service! It is the ideal place to explore issues in depth, to understand what God says in his Word, and to talk through ways in which to apply it to daily living.


Prayer is an essential part of the Christian life, and Jesus taught us that there is something powerful about praying with other believers (Matthew 18:20). A small group is a great place to learn to pray with others, supporting them in times of joy and times of sadness.

Pastoral Care

Most of the pastoral care in CBC happens as a result of believers reaching out in support to those they have grown to love and care for. That love is often formed in small groups where individuals learn to give and receive help.


Learning to give and receive challenge and encouragement is a vital part of learning to grow as a Christian (Proverbs 27:17). Small groups provide a safe environment where we can learn to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24).

You might also be interested in two special alternatives to our small groups - our Wellspring group for women and our group for Seniors.