Suffering surprises us. We wonder how a God who loves us could let certain things happen to us - doesn't he care, or is he powerless to help?
Read MorePaul exhorts the Colossians to have a things-above mindset. This message thinks about what it means to have a Kingdom perspective and how our discipleship is influenced as a result.
Read MoreLooking at the some lessons from the healing of Naaman. When God acts he does it his way. When we accept God is real it has implications for the whole of our lives.
Read MoreIn this section of 1 Peter, the apostle Peter encourages Christians to be armed with the same attitude of Jesus. This message looks at what follows when we shift our mindset …
Read MoreJesus wants his people to be fruitful. The helpful image of Jesus being the true vine, enables us to see how we can grow as those connected to him.
Read MoreIn this section of 1 Peter, Peter encourages his readers to think about how to live as believers under pressure, even persecution. An issue just as relevant for us today as we live for Christ in our frontline places.
Read MoreWhat part does conviction play in sharing our faith? How do we take steps to build our own conviction and confidence so that we might be more fruitful ambassadors for Christ?
Read MoreThe instructions given to wives and husbands are both embedded in 1st century Roman culture and helpful for us today.
Read MoreWe have a relationship with a God who breathes. As the resurrected Jesus breathed on his fearful disciples he also commissioned them and sent them out.
Read More1 Peter 2 offers very practical advice but is set in very different circumstances to our own so what can we apply from this passage and what can we learn from the advice given?
Read MoreThe good news should be good news in both word and action. On the back of the Noise project week, the good news in action has been obvious. What what about the message of the good news?
Read MorePeter explains to the gentile believers how some of the Old Testament images and truths now apply to all of them - how all believers in Jesus are now included …
Read MoreJohn, in his Gospel, provides much evidence that Jesus was contented both to be in the place of obedience to his Father's will and to suffer and serve for the good of others.
Read MorePeter urges his readers to live a holy life, made possible by Jesus. This message presents the same call to us to life holy lives as disciples of Jesus.
Read MoreJohn 14 gives us great reassurance and challenge. We examine our personal responsibility to be whole life disciples. Growth will come from individual disciples taking responsibility to share their own stories and faith.
Read MorePeter is writing to Christians in modern-day Turkey, encouraging them to stand firm in their faith. But before he gets to the heart of his letter …
Read MoreThe apostle Paul was willing to adjust his behaviour in order to win as many people as possible to Jesus. We have the timeless and unchanging message of Jesus …
Read MoreStarting our Where Do We Grow From Here? series. Looking at some of themes which Ken is taking to other churches as President of our denomination ….
Read MorePeter is writing to the church at a very vulnerable time. His letter will encourage them to stand firm in the face of the troubles that are coming.
Read MoreThomas was not with the other disciples when Jesus made his post-resurrection appearance. It is easy to criticise him, but we all have our doubts.
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