Foreword to the second edition

Before you turn over the page (real or virtual). Let me ask you to consider that what you are doing has symbolic value.

To those of us who are part of Chichester Baptist Church it feels very much like a new page, probably a new chapter in the life of our church is beginning. It is exciting for us to begin to plan for and look forward to the future.

The building project referred to in this updated version of ‘Then and Now’ has been completed. We are very pleased with the building we have and we recognise as a church that better facilities give us greater responsibility to use them effectively. Chichester Baptist Church, on 23 March 2002, was able to hold a joint opening and a slightly delayed 50th anniversary celebration. This service and the community open day held a week earlier made extremely positive and challenging starts for those who will continue the story.

This commissioning service took place exactly 12 months after Peter Thatcher, the author of this book, had died after quite a rapid illness. Peter was one of the most gentle, wise, caring and spiritual people I have ever met. I believe that Chichester Baptist Church would not have started without Peter and that at certain times it would have struggled to continue without him and I know that our church now continues to benefit because of his years of work on its leadership and, of course, we only have this record of our history because of his character and hard work.

After Peter died, his close friend and church secretary at the time, David Reynolds took the notes Peter had prepared and did some work on getting them ready. Then in similar circumstances David became ill and also died. David had seen the building project develop, even if not completed. As a new young minister I owe so much to David for his dedication, and commitment to the church and his personal support to me. We are very grateful to Bernard Veasey who has made sure the revised version of the book is now available to us in this form.

I have learnt so much from Peter and David and although neither of them saw the latest building work completed they were both there at the planning stage. I could show you around the building now and point out details which we are benefiting from and which are only there because either Peter or David thought of them and suggested them.

Recently I heard an interview with a best selling author. He was asked how he gets started each morning, how he gets past the blank page. His answer was that he never started with a blank page. Instead he always made sure there was something at the top of the page to get him started, even if he had to repeat the sentence from the bottom of the last page he would do it.

With that in mind, this is where this book helps us who are connected with Chichester Baptist Church today. If we are starting a new page or a new chapter, can I suggest that Peter’s revised book here points out that the top of the page is not blank.

Instead it should read something like: ‘In a number of clear ways and through a number of remarkable people the Lord has guided Chichester Baptist Church and brought them to this exciting new point for a purpose. Those who are part of this church now can be confident that the Lord who has brought them this far will continue to lead them if they look to Him.’

If you are reading this book as a part of the church you may be so encouraged by what you read that you are also able to add: ‘... and I resolve with God’s help to play my part to the best of my ability.‘

Ken Benjamin
Minister of Chichester Baptist Church
Chichester, May 2002