Covenant (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 19 October.

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

1. Where are you on the scale that Ellen talked about with how you feel about uncertainty and control? Chilled and relaxed, or do you like a plan?

2. Why do we in the West have such a low tolerance for uncertainty and the lack of control?

3. Talk together about the definition of covenant and your understanding of what the concept means.

4. Ellen used the example of marriage – are there others that illustrate covenant?

5. The concept of covenant acts like the backbone of our faith story. Our whole redemptive story is built on covenant. Spend some time looking at the 4 OT covenants of Noah (Gen 8: 8-11), Abraham (Gen 17: 3-7) Israel (Exodus 19: 5) and David (Psalm 89: 3-4)

6. What do they teach us about the nature of God? Can you see how they build towards the new covenant?

7. Read Jeremiah 31: 31-34.

What does the prophet point to here?

What do we learn about the nature of the New Covenant?

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