Online Service 25/10/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

The clocks have changed, the nights draw in and sadly a second wave of the pandemic is upon us. So to encourage our hearts and lift our souls, today we begin our worship by heading back to the Spring and a day of sunshine and a song of celebration. ‘Endless joy, perfect peace. Earthly pain finally will cease, Celebrate, Jesus is alive!’


Giver of life

As we consider God’s Spirit today and the gifts and fruit that He brings we sing out this song. We celebrate our God who ‘delights to pour His goodness down.’



Our readings for today are Ephesians 5:18-20. Find it here and Galatians 5:25 found here.



A talk option for children


Questions for you

How was seeing the big story of God’s Spirit in the Bible helpful? 

Andy encouraged us to be filled with the spirit, to grow in the gifts of the spirit and to invite the spirit to transform us. Was there one of these take away points that particularly spoke to you? 

A song and prayer of response

As we close our time today, a suggestion is to close your eyes, maybe turn away from the screen and let the words of this song be your prayer of response.


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