The Resurrection: So What? (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 30th November.

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

The Resurrection – So what?

Read 1 Corinthians 15: 20-34 

How does the image of ‘first fruits’ (v20 and v23) help us to understand the resurrection of Jesus and its implications for us? 

Linking with v-18-19 from last week, how does the resurrection of Jesus give us hope? 

Re-cap the three points Andy made, was there one that particularly brought hope to you? 

Andy said that resurrection hope gives us purpose for now. How does it do this? 

How is this resurrection hope different to the hope of those around us? 

What can we do to keep resurrection hope at the forefront of our minds during this season? (If you are leading a group you may wish to prepare a short act of worship to help your group to do this) 


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