Online Service 29/11/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

We begin today’s service with another to chance to enjoy and worship with the song we brought together with other Chichester churches earlier in the year. ‘Sing like never before’. Sing it out this morning!


Christ our hope in life and death

So grateful for a recommendation for this song from a church family member this week. A new song that helps us engage so well with our Resurrection theme.



Our reading for today is 1 Corinthians 15:20-34. Find it here.



A talk option for children


The comeback

We respond with real celebration today. This wonderful spoken word piece we enjoyed at Easter perfectly captures the message of today. He lives. What hope we have. Hallelujah!


Questions for you

1. What have you found encouraging about the Resurrection Hope series?

2. How is this resurrection hope different to the hope of those around us?

3. What can we do to keep resurrection hope at the forefront of our minds during this season? 

Celebrate, Jesus is alive!

We simply had to go out today with joy and celebration. He’s alive! Hope you are dancing wherever you are. Have a brilliant hope-filled week everyone!



Get involved in our Christmas online celebration! There are a couple of great ways you can take part. Head here to find out more.

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