Online Service 01/11/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

Let’s still our hearts as we begin our sung worship today with an invitation to listen ‘Hear O Israel, the people of the Lord, Be still and know that He is God.’ Then an invitation to sing out together with joy ‘Come people of the Risen King!‘



Here’s news of a valuable new initiative at CBC.


Yet not I but through Christ in me

As we consider completion today, with this recent new song for CBC we celebrate the great plan of completion achieved through Jesus who daily works among us and in us. ‘With every breath I long to follow Jesus, For He has said that He will bring me home, And day by day I know He will renew me, Until I stand with joy before the throne.’



Our reading for today is the wonderful hope-filled words of Revelation 21:1-5. They can be found here.



A talk option for children


Questions for you

1. “Completion can be a source of sadness, or a source of joy, or sometimes both.” What experiences have you had recently of something being completed? How did you feel?

2. Read Revelation 21:1-4. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain …” What “No more …”s are you looking forward to?

Abide with me

We look forward together with hope to the time of perfect completion and so we sing these words as we close ‘And up ahead, eternity, we'll weep no more and sing for joy abide with me!’


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