Online Service 09/08/20


Hello everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

We begin our worship today celebrating the greatness of our God. “For the Lord Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth” (Psalm 47:2).


Pause for Prayer

We have had the shocking news of the explosion in Beirut this week1. The scenes of devastation are in sharp contrast to forest glades, gentle breezes and birds singing sweetly in the trees. And yet Jesus is sufficient for good times and tough times.

When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be your name.

On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be your name.

Our church members Ian and Cindy Crossley are friends with a family in Lebanon whose daughter Travina invites us to pray for Lebanon. Watch the video, and then pause to pray.

1The church leadership team have agreed to send a gift of £2000 from our disaster fund towards the relief effort via Tearfund.

The name of Jesus

“The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” (Proverbs 18:10).

This new family-friendly song invites us to put our trust in the name of Jesus.





Ian White, one of our church members, brings God’s Word to us today in the next in our ‘Gospel DNA’ series.


Questions for you

1. If you were a reporter doing a piece on this incident for a TV channel what would you highlight for your viewers? (Acts 4:1-4)

2. Ian pointed out that Peter and John didn't need to be assertive or arrogant when 'saying Jesus is the only way this could happen' because the evidence was plain for everyone to see. Look back over your experience of being a Christian and recount times when evidence of God working in your life has been plain to see. (Acts 4:5-12)

3. What made Peter and John distinctive as followers of Jesus. Talk about what things might make you distinctive as followers of Christ. (Acts 4:13-14)

A talk option for families


In Christ Alone

We close by singing out the truth that “In Christ alone our hope is found …”


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