Gospel DNA - No other name: Acts 4: 1- 14 (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 10th August

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

Start by reading Acts 4:1-4

If you were a reporter doing a piece on this incident for a TV channel what would you highlight for your viewers?

V3 has a chilling undertow. The evening sacrifices ended at about 4.00pm and at that point the temple gates would be closed. Any judgements involving life and death had to be both started and finished in daylight hours. So what do you think Peter and John might have talked about in their cell overnight?

In v4 'men' means males only. Now compare these verses: Acts 2:41, 4:4, 5:14 and 6:7.

Now read Acts 4:5-12…

 and talk about whether you think this interrogation was likely to be fair. You can compare this passage with Luke 22:66-71 which Luke also wrote. (Obviously!)

Talk about what it was in this incident which made Jesus unique.

Ian pointed out that Peter and John didn't need to be assertive or arrogant when saying ‘Jesus is the only way this could happen' because the evidence was plain for everyone to see. Look back over your experience of being a Christian and recount times when evidence of God working in your life has been plain to see.

Peter and John cleverly reasoned they were being accused of an 'act of kindness'. Compare this with Luke 13:10-17 (especially :17) and talk about the parallels you spot.

Talk about acts of kindness you could plan into this week?

Now read Acts 4:13-14 and work out what made Peter and John distinctive as followers of Jesus. Talk about what things might make you distinctive as followers of Christ.

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Small GroupsIan White