Online Service 14/06/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

Our first song will hopefully get us all moving. Today we consider our God who searches for us and never gives up because ‘He’s known us and he’s loved us since before the world began!’


An Alpha interview

Our new online Alpha course is on its way! Here’s a chat with Louise and Poppy.


You would be so welcome to join our online Alpha course. To sign up or for more info head here.

A song and a prayer

Many found the recent worship contribution so helpful from Ella O Keefe, one of the young people in our church family. Here’s another special contribution from Ella. A song to use as a prayer. So let all my life tell of who You are



Today we spend time with such a great encounter that will be familiar to so many. Here it’s brought to us by one of the church family’s small groups. Press play below to hear them bring the story to life. Go here for the text.




A talk option for children


Click here for the children’s resource for today.

Questions for you

1. Zacchaeus was ruled out by many as someone Jesus would want to know, ‘as a sinner’ (v7). Why did the crowds complain about Jesus searching out Zacchaeus? Why do you think we sometimes rule ourselves or others out from knowing God?

2. Looking back on your faith story, can you see how God was searching for you? Perhaps you are searching for God at the moment. How does it make you feel to know that God is the one doing the searching, wanting to draw you into a friendship with him?

3. What do you make of Zacchaeus’ response in v.8? What does repenting, changing our hearts and lives, look like for us? What did it look like when you became a Christian?

A closing song

A song that truly celebrates the God who never gives up on the search for His children. Wherever they are.


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