Online Service 20/09/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.



Before we get our worship underway today we want to say a huge congratulations to Jack and Rosie who made history yesterday, being the first couple to ever get married in the CBC car park! Much love and prayers to the happy couple. What a joy-packed day it was!


Let’s worship together

We begin our worship with such a joyful song that , although still very new, has already become a real favourite with the CBC church family!


Way Maker

As we spend time considering the theme of fulfilment today, we sing this song. a song that that helps us declare God’s praises and proclaim the God who always fulfils his promises in His time and in His perfect way. Way Maker, Promise Keeper…..



Our reading for today is taken from Matthew 16:13-17. Some may also enjoy the second video, a Lego version of the passage, although it includes a couple of verses that are not strictly part of today’s focus.




A talk option for children


Questions for you

1. “Some of the greatest stories ever told are stories of life gone wrong, of the promise of something better, and ultimate triumph.” Can you think of some examples?

2. The Jews living in Jesus’ time had waited hundreds of years for the fulfilment of the prophecies about the Messiah, and not all of those prophecies have been fulfilled yet. What does that teach us about God’s faithfulness in keeping his promises, our need for patience, and our own hopes for the future?

‘To fulfil the law and prophets…’

Our closing song today helps us to respond to what we have heard. We celebrate the fulfilment of God’s promises in Jesus, King of Kings


A prayer of hope

Finally today, as we have embarked this week on our season of Words of Hope, we close with this powerful prayer of hope.


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