Lessons from Lockdown 2: Psalm 119 (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 13th September

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

Reading – Psalm 119.

Consider reading a large chunk of the Psalm together or ask the group to read it before. 

(In the message we read v 9-16)

There are several different words used that describe God’s word repeatedly throughout Psalm. What are they? What do they show us about the nature of God’s word? 

Reading through Psalm 119, what situations can you see described into which God's word speaks? Which ones are particularly helpful for you at the moment? 

Can you find a verse in this Psalm that helps you to pray in this time? 

The last two weeks we have reflected on lessons from lockdown. What lessons have you learnt during lockdown? 

What are your hopes for the Words of Hope reading plan?  

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Small GroupsAndy Morgan