Online Service 23/08/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

We begin our sung worship with an invitation. Whatever our current circumstances, whatever is behind or before we are invited today and every day, to come just as we are to our God of grace. O come to the altar, The Father’s arms are open wide.


Prayers for our young people

At this complicated time after exam results have been released, today Andy leads us in prayer for our young people.


For we are all one in Christ Jesus

Here’s something different to enjoy in our worship today, we have really been looking forward to sharing this with you all. Singers and musicians from several churches in Chichester (Including our own CBC worship team) have joined together in this special version of Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons). We sing out across our city in faith and unity, so make sure you’re joining in wherever you are!



Today one of our church members Jacky Storey brings us our terrific reading from Acts chapter 4. Press play to hear her read. Head here for the text.




A talk option for children


Questions for you

1. The believers tell God things about himself as they pray. Ellen said that reflecting back to God things we know to be true about Him can help our praying. Why and how does that help?

2. The believers use the Bible in prayer. There is power as we pray God’s word. Any practical thoughts on how you could use the Bible more in your praying?

3. Rather than protection or resolution, their prayers are for boldness and for God to work powerfully. Could you pray some of those sorts of prayers this week?

Only a Holy God

Ellen talked about reflecting back to God the truth we know about Him. This is something we often do through our sung worship together and this new song helps us to do just that in a really positive way. It’s a new song we will be getting to grips with when we are finally back worshipping together side by side. We hope you find it helpful as we close our service today.


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