Online Service 30/08/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Here’s a link to find out more about the upcoming ‘Words of Hope’ season.

Let’s worship together

I love this version of ‘Indescribable’ that opens our worship. A live version sung more reflectively from the historic Red Rocks amphitheatre in America. There are no lyrics included, but that gives us a chance to join in where we know them or simply listen and still our hearts as we approach our great God and bring Him our worship today.


What gift of grace

Here’s a wonderful new song to enjoy in our worship today. A song full of heart and substance that I’m sure will become a CBC favourite through the months ahead. ‘He is my joy, my righteousness, and freedom, My steadfast love, my deep and boundless peace’



Steph Lunn one of our church members brings us our reading today. It’s a compelling passage from Acts. Click below to hear Steph read or head here for the text.




A talk option for children


Questions for you

This is the last message in our Gospel DNA series in Acts 3 and 4. What is going to stick with you from this series? 

For the early believers, from diverse backgrounds how did they have one heart and mind? As believers, what is it that helps us to have one heart and one mind? What can we do in this season to uphold our sense of unity in heart and mind as a CBC church family? 

 What can we learn from this counter cultural gospel community?

We are Your church!

Today, through the passage in Acts, Andy encouraged us to look to the example of the early church. To be united in heart and mind, to be ‘counter-cultural’ and to be brave as we speak and live out our faith in the resurrection of Jesus. We are your church, we need Your power in us! We sing these words out as we close.


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