Online Service 06/09/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Here’s a link to find out more about the upcoming ‘Words of Hope’ season.

And here’s a link to check out what it will be like returning to the CBC building.

Let’s celebrate together!

Here’s a new song to enjoy today. Loads of fun and a great celebration of church family, God’s plan and provision for us! Why not play it at least a couple of times and sing out as you get to know it. (If you’re a Beatles, E.L.O or Robbie Williams fan you might particularly enjoy the vibe on this one!).


Great are You Lord

We spend time in the Psalms today and there are many moments in the Psalms which are songs from the heart, expressing our worship to God. This song is most definitely a heart cry coming from that deep place as we pour out our praise to You only.



Our passage today is Psalm 131. Head here for the text.



A talk option for children


Questions for you

The psalms of ascents (Psalms 120-134) are psalms or songs that would have been sung by the Jewish people as they made their way up to Jerusalem 3x a year for the annual festivals. What were your reflections on the point Ellen made that we also need ‘songs for the journey’?

How would you describe what ‘contentment’ is?

Jo and Tom shared their own lessons from lockdown and what has helped them find contentment and peace. Did you resonate with any of them? Do you have your own lessons learned too?

Great is Thy faithfulness

Today, We have reflected together on our journey and the journey of others through recent months. The challenges we have faced, the lessons we have learned, but most importantly the presence of God with us. We close with a ‘song of ascent’ a song for the journey that has encouraged and blessed so many for 100 years and more. Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me


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