Renew Wellbeing

We are very conscious of the impact of our current times on people’s mental health. With this in mind, it’s great to be able to share about something new that we have been thinking about for a little while now.

Do watch the video, and get in touch as described below if you have any questions.


Ben writes …

“Since September I’ve been working for a mental health charity called Renew Wellbeing who help churches to set up quiet, shared spaces where ‘It’s ok not to be ok.’ I’m looking forward to seeing more of these spaces popping up in the South, and this is something that Ellen and the leadership team are keen to explore for CBC.

We are currently looking to form a small team to host the space, as well as to get the idea out there. If you wanted to look further into what Renew is about, its founder, Ruth Rice, gives a great explanation on our website here

Please feel free to contact me using the form below if you have any questions.”

Roger HubertComment