Online Service 16/08/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

We start our worship together with a great little family song and video from Rend Collective that invites us to remember that the God of David, Daniel and Jonah is also our God.


"The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress" (Psalm 46:7).



Our reading for today is taken from Acts 4:15-22.


A talk option for children

And, as it happens, a great option for adults too! From our friends at Christian Youth Enterprises.


Message: Who’s in charge?


Questions for you

1. “Miracles don’t convert people to Jesus, but they make them sit up and take notice.” Does the passage support this statement? Do you agree with it?

2. Peter and John’s resistance to the religious leaders’ request was a question of obedience (“Who is in charge?”). When you think about the Christian faith, to what extent do you think of it as a question of obedience?

3. When you do think it is right for a Christian to disobey a civil or religious authority?

Be still!

Do you need to rush away? Can I invite you to take just 3½ minutes, 210 seconds (!), with no other distractions around you, to be still and reflect on the fact that God is where you are, right now. Use this closing song to affirm or renew your commitment to placing him in charge of your life.


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