Gospel DNA - Who's in charge?: Acts 4: 1- 22 (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 17th August

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

Read Acts 4:1-22.

1. “Miracles don’t convert people to Jesus, but they make them sit up and take notice.” Does the passage support this statement? Do you agree with it?

2. Read verses 15-17. What problem are the religious leaders wanting to solve?

3. Peter and John’s resistance to the religious leaders’ request was a question of obedience (“Who is in charge?”). When you think about the Christian faith, to what extent do you think of it as a question of obedience?

4. When you do think it is right for a Christian to disobey a civil or religious authority?

5. In his message, Roger suggested that holy disobedience involves holy conviction, holy courage, and holy compulsion. What would you add to that list?

6. What challenges you most – daily decisions to put Christ first, or the thought of standing up to the authorities out of obedience to Christ?

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Small GroupsRoger Hubert