Online Service 13/09/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Here’s a link to find out more about the upcoming ‘Words of Hope’ season.

And here’s a link to check out what it will be like returning to the CBC building in the next couple of weeks.

Let’s celebrate together!

We spend time today looking back at the journey of recent months. The challenges and struggles, the unexpected joys and blessings. With that in mind we celebrate God’s guidance and presence with us in our opening song, a big favourite across the CBC church family. So get singing and definitely get moving wherever you are! Fire before us, You’re the brightest, You will lead us through the storms!

(I’ve included a couple of versions of this song to choose from today. If you know the song well the first is really enjoyable to watch but doesn’t have words attached. The second is simpler and has all the words included. Enjoy!)


Prayer for the wider church family in Chichester

In a special ‘Lessons from Lockdown’ feature today we get to take time to hear from our friends in other churches in Chichester. We hear of the challenges and blessings they have encountered through recent months. Most importantly we get to stand alongside them in unity and lift them up in prayer. It was also a great joy recently to join with other Chichester churches to create a special version of the song 10,000 Reasons and we include that again in our worship today.



Our passage today is Psalm 119:9-16. Head here for the text.



A talk option for children


Questions for you

Reading through Psalm 119 what situations can you see described into which God's word speaks?

What lessons can you learn from lock-down?

What are your hopes for Words of Hope

Do take some time to pray that God would speak to you through this and also to us as a church family.

He will hold me fast

It is clear that through the lockdown period one song has resonated with the church family more than any other. So as we conclude our ‘Lessons from Lockdown’ series we close with that song today. Raised with Him to endless life, He will hold me fast.


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